Ode to the Beet

Let this poem sing the praise of the beet,

From http://guardianlv.com

A finer vegetable you will not meet,

Not bland, not mushy, but delicate treat,

Displaying the best of savory and sweet.


The ways to make it are vast and wide,

Pickled, steamed, stewed and deep fried,

Its color is bright, a fun purplish-red,

So I don’t recommend eating beets in bed,

Though, I’m not Keats, nor Shelley or Byron,

I can tell you beets are a good source of iron,

To find lovers of beets just go to Ukraine,

Did you know that beets are good for the brain?

By increasing blood flow and rates of decay,

Things like dementia will long stay away,

And research shows, yes science, not rumor,

Stuff found in beets slows the growth of a tumor,

It’s got folates, fiber, phosphorous, magnesium,

Full of Vitamin C, B6, a great source of potassium,

And if the beetroot just isn’t your scene,

Then I ask you to turn your gaze to the greens,

If you thought they were trash, I’ve got a surprise,

Their delicious soup and great for your eyes,

If a good accompaniment is something you seek,

Try a fellow overlooked flavorful leek,

So get you some beets wherever they’re servin’,

At least so you can pee some reddish urine.


17 thoughts on “Ode to the Beet

    1. LOL I love brussel sprouts too. I didn’t have them until I was in my late teens and was unaware that they were hated by kid everywhere. I thought they looked like tiny cabbages and they made me feel like a giant eating them. 🙂

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      1. …better get to hopping then on a brussel sprout sequel. Can’t have an ode to beets whilst ignoring the brussel sprouts!

        It is entirely possible that my beets and sprouts encounters were due to how they were prepared. I don’t know…not sure I want to know. 🙂


        1. In my experience, many people’s dislikes do have to do with the preparation. With vegetables I often find that they are vastly overcooked, leeching them of a lot of their flavor and reducing the texture to mushiness. When it comes to foods, our first impression is often the most important, because I think from an evolutionary standpoint…things that tasted bad were probably bad for us, and unless we were desperately hungry it probably wasn’t worth our time to see if it would grow on us!

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  1. “And if the beetroot just isn’t your scene,
    Then I ask you to turn your gaze to the greens,
    If you thought they were trash, I’ve got a surprise,
    Their delicious soup and great for your eyes,” – I can’t stand beets. Hahahahaha. I am a vegan though, so do eat a huge amount of vegetables. Just no beets, celery or cauliflower *makes a ‘bleah’ noise*

    – esme eating her greens upon the Cloud

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    1. If I can’t get a vegan’s approval of my ode to a beet, the world is an upside-down, wishy-washy, backwards, topsy-turvy sort of world.

      *Swarn dabbles Esme’s Cloud with the deep purple juice of a beet*


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