Peace in Pieces

I sit here and look at the television screen,
What is she wearing?  Who are they going to vote off?
Twittering rage, Facebook lols, texting friends,
I’m experiencing life, I hope it never ends,
Not really paying attention,
There’s nothing else to do,
It feels like peace for me, is it peace for you?

I’ve got a lot and I’m going to need more,
I really don’t know what it’s all for, but I got it,
In only 10 years my wealth will double,
Too bad about that housing bubble,
You’ve got to work harder,
You’ve got more to do,
Can’t take a piece from me, I’ll take that piece from you.

I had a job, but well they didn’t need me anymore,
I’m sure I’m important though, but how to show it,
Turning on the news, the worlds gone to hell,
No way I’m going to get out of this well,
I’ve got to fight just to survive,
Only one thing left to do,
Won’t take a piece of me, I’ll take a piece of you.

You want me to trust, but I’m so afraid,
That article told me who’s to blame, the real problem,
Just keep me safe, I’ll do what it takes,
Close the borders for goodness sake,
I’ve got my gun next to me,
What are you going to do?
You took peace from me, I’ll take a piece of you.

I must raze the world to build it anew,
I’ve got a vision, and this is where you come in,
This is divine providence, no need to fear
You’ll change the world, for God is near
Your cause is righteous,
You know what to do,
Take some pieces of them, for pieces of you.

I’ve so much to be thankful for,
My basic needs are met and even a little sugar,
I won’t sit here and be passive,
Let the weight get too massive,
I’ll show you my heart,
Do what you will do,
But you can take a piece of me, and put that piece into you

10 thoughts on “Peace in Pieces

    1. I’m going to use you anytime I need a musical soundtrack to anything I produce. Of course I shouldn’t be surprised given the music your friendship lends to my heart. Thank you for your kind words about my poem. The number of stanzas is somewhat inspired by a comment of yours a couple posts ago in which you reported that it takes 5 positive experiences to negate one bad one, and how we focus on the negative more than the positive.

      Liked by 2 people

        1. Thank you Victoria. I think overall I still feel like a boring scientist when I write and my artfulness feels predictable and unoriginal. But of course, with any creative endeavor I certainly feel less confident in myself…so I will simply accept the appreciation as an additional truth to sit next to my own…which is much less complimentary. lol

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  1. Hahaha. I was going to leave a song as well, that historically I felt captured Authoritarianism elitism, etc, that a few sectors of Americans are still wanting, nurturing, teaching, and executing. Do you think the message/lyrics teach the same truth as your poem, with the exception of your last stanza?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Professor. I do see similar themes in the lyrics. Great choice! I take that as a good compliment when my poetry causes the minds of readers to tentacle out in imaginative directions. 🙂 Thank you to both you and Victoria!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much! I’m going to try to be writing more poetry in the future. Probably with a high variability of quality, but hopefully those who read it will enjoy some of it. 🙂


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